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Film about Cesar Fierro, an inmate who was released from death row – Geneva Film Festival 2025
Cesar Fierro was born in Mexico 1959 and in 1979 he was accused and finally convicted of killing a taxi driver in el paso, Texas. He gave a confession due to pressure of the police who told him, they would torture his parents if he would not going to confess…
After nearly 40 years in prison, he became a free man in may 2020.
During his time in prison, Santiago Esteinou, a Mexican film maker, made a very moving film (the years of fierro) about his case and life in prison. They became friends in this time and he stayed on his side all this time. When he was release in 2020, Santiago accompanied this process – we can easily understand, how hard it must be after 40 years to get back into a life you do not know anymore…
Now, this film will be showed at the black movie festival in Geneva – and Santiago, Cesar and his lawyer will be there, too.
So if someone would like to join them and watch this beautiful film and celebrate the strength and wisdom of Cesar who managed to get back to life outside prison again: we are happy to share all the movie dates with you:
Spoutnik – 18.01.25 – 7.00pm
Les Salons – 20.01.25 – 7.00pm
Les Salons – 21.01.25 – 7.00pm
Forum Meyrin – 22.01.25 – 8.00pm
Cities for life – cities against the death penalty
annual event in Lausanne: November 29, 2024
Soirée de débat: vendredi, 29 novembre 2024 à 19h. Pôle Sud, av. Jean-Jacques Mercier 3, 1003 Lausanne
La soirée débat abordera la question de la peine de mort à partir du cas du rappeur iranien Toomaj Salehi, condamné à mort par la République Islamique d’Iran pour son engement contre le régime islamique et son soutient au mouvement de protestation Femme Vie Liberté.
Le débat sera animé par Me Mitra Sohrabi – Co-présidente de l’Association Femme Vie Liberté Suisse et Nadia Bohlen – Porte-parole d’Amnesty Suisse.
La soirée sera également marquée par une intervention artistique du slameur Pablito L’Indomptable.
See the Flyer here.
lifespark’s General Meeting 2024 in Berne
on November 2, 2024
The General Assembly (GA) follows a protocol that is essentially prescribed by law. Unfortunately, even the few members who attended the GA 2024 on April 20 did not have time to stay long enough together afterwards, partly due to the long journey.
Therefore, we will have the informal “General Meeting 2024” at the same place. The location is ideal with kitchen, dishes, enough space and is very easy to reach by public transportation. Shopping facilities are close by in case we need anything.
The board will be there from 10am to 5pm. All members are welcome to come at any time during this time. We will cook lunch together. The kitchen, which we can also rent, is not very big. That’s okay, because you can just come for lunch without cooking. OK, we will need some members to cook anyway 😉 There is an industrial dishwasher – so no reason to stay away!
Then there’s coffee and cake (please bring your own cake and cookies again, this time we have time to indulge in the delicacies). Yes, you can also come in the afternoon. And yes, you can also leave before that.
An uncomplicated coming and going. Nothing official! Just time to meet up again and spend a few hours together with like-minded members of lifespark.
Do you like this idea? All members will receive a personal invitation via email.
lifespark members are well advised not to miss the member info bulletin on September1 for more details.
⇒ Members will find the latest information in the events in the Members’ area.
Observed every 10 October, the World Day Against the Death Penalty unifies the global abolitionist movement and mobilizes civil society, political leaders, lawyers, public opinion and more to support the call for the universal abolition of capital punishment.
The day encourages and consolidates the political and general awareness of the worldwide movement against the death penalty.
On 10 October 2024 and 2025, the World Day will be dedicated to challenging the misconception that the death penalty can make people and communities safer.
Security is commonly understood as freedom from danger or threat, but its interpretation varies considerably. It is a term rooted in political discourse and often used as a political tactic to influence public opinion and justify security policies. The determination of who are considered threats, and who are to be protected is often influenced by power dynamics, discrimination, and inequality. When applied to criminal justice, security offenses are in many cases broadly defined and can be open to abuse. Using the “security argument” at best politicizes a judicial procedure that is supposed to be impartial and fair, and at worst provides a context for human rights abuses in the name of State protection.
It is undeniable that the death penalty does not protect individuals and societies because it threatens human dignity and reinforces social and economic disparities by disproportionately affecting marginalized groups. To achieve effective long-term solutions, we must prioritize people’s concerns, tackle the root causes of crime and violence and apply a human security approach in conflict resolution and creating safer societies. Abolish the death penalty now!
Globally, significant inroads have been made on universal abolition. The number of states that have abolished the death penalty has gone up from 55 to 113 in the space of thirty years, but the number of executions and death sentences in recent years has not gone down.
The FDFA is therefore seeking to reduce these numbers while continuing to support the overall trend towards universal abolition
through the following action fields:
Field of action 1: Mobilising diplomacy
Switzerland relies on dialogue with states that continue to apply the death penalty to encourage them to abolish this sentence or, at the very least, to limit or suspend its application as a first step.
Field of action 2: Strengthening the normative framework
Switzerland is working to strengthen the international framework aimed at suspending or restricting the application of the death penalty. It plays a leading role in UN initiatives on this issue and supports regional institutions committed to abolition.
Field of action 3: Strengthening international collaboration
Recognising that the progress made in abolishing the death penalty worldwide is the result of a collective effort, Switzerland is committed to deepening collaboration with like-minded states and civil society organisations.
Implementation of the action plan is coordinated by the Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) under the FDFA’s State Secretariat.
lifespark’s General Assembly 2024 in Berne
with members Apéro on April 20, 2024, 2pm
The General Assembly 2024 is over. More infromation are available in the members’ area -> lifespark – organisationally.
Cities for life – cities against the death penalty
annual event in Lausanne: November 30, 2023
Stand d’information et récolte des signatures pour l’abolition de la peine de mort samedi 25 novembre et projection du documentaire «Un moment dans la vie de Hank Skinner» jeudi 30 novembre.
Stand: samedi 25 novembre 2023, de 9h à 13h. Place du 14 Juin (ex-Place de St-Laurent) 1003 Lausanne
Film: jeudi, 30 novembre 2023 à 19h. Pôle Sud, av. Jean-Jacques Mercier 3, 1003 Lausanne
Le film documentaire «Un moment dans la vie de Hank Skinner» présente les derniers jours cruciaux avant l’une des nombreuses dates d’exécution que Hank s’est vu annoncer, soit le 24 mars 2010. La Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis lui a accordé un sursis 25 minutes avant l’heure de l’exécution. La projection sera suivie d’une rencontre avec Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner veuve de Hank Skinner et militante de longue date contre la peine de mort.
Evénement co-organisé à Lausanne par la Communauté de Sant’Egidio, Amnesty International,
l’Action des chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture (ACAT) et lifespark
Pour plus d’info sur le film:
Pour plus d’info sur l’évènement : voir la brochure
Comment se rendre à Pôle Sud, Lausanne : plan de site
Observed every 10 October, the World Day Against the Death Penalty unifies the global abolitionist movement and mobilizes civil society, political leaders, lawyers, public opinion and more to support the call for the universal abolition of capital punishment. The day encourages and consolidates the political and general awareness of the worldwide movement against the death penalty.
On 10 October 2023, World Day will continue to reflect on the relationship between the use of the death penalty and torture or other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment and build on the momentum started in 2022!
As encountered last year, the types of torture and other ill-treatment experienced when sentenced to death are numerous: physical or psychological torture has been applied to force confessions to capital crimes; the death row phenomenon contributes to the long-term psychological decline of a person’s health; harsh death row living conditions contribute to physical deterioration; and methods of execution that cause exceptional pain. Further discriminations based on sex, gender, poverty, age, sexual orientation, religious and ethnic minority status and others can compound cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of individuals sentenced to death.
While the death penalty is currently tolerated by strict international law standards, and torture is entirely forbidden, it is more and more evident that the death penalty is inherently incompatible with the prohibition of torture.
Friendships in US death cells
Sterbebegleitung im Todestrakt mit Ursula Corbin
lifespark’s Anniversary General Assembly 2023
in Berne: April 1, 2023
Invitations has been sent out by letter.
For more details, see the calendar of events in the members’ area. (Login required).
Symbolic picture
Launch of the international poster competition “Draw me the abolition” for young people committed against the death penalty
The competition is organised by ECPM and the International Network for Abolition Education – RIEA (an informal grouping of associations (Algerian, German, Cameroonian, Congolese, French, Italian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Mauritanian, Taiwanese, Tanzanian and Tunisian) working to educate young people about the abolition of the death penalty by promoting the exchange of good practice and the development of collaborative educational tools at the international level.
Are you interested to participate in the contest this year? The contest rules are available below!
The registration form must be returned by email to and completed by an adult (teacher, educator, association leader, etc.) if the participant is under 18 years old (21 yo for US participants).
Cities for life – cities against the death penalty
annual event in Lausanne: November 25, 2022
A l’occasion de l’évènement annuel « Villes pour la vie ; villes contre la peine de mort », vous êtes invité.es à une soirée de partage en tous genres !
- Dès 17h30 Café de Grancy – Avenue du Rond-Point 1 · 1006 Lausanne (juste en dessous de la gare de Lausanne)
- 18h45 « Départ » pour la Maison de Quartier Sous-Gare -Avenue Edouard Dapples 50 – 1006 Lausanne
- 19h00 Début du spectacle « Signé : condamné à mort» donné dans le cadre de l’évènement annuel 30 novembre
Les associations Sant’Egidio, ACAT, lifespark, Amnesty International vous invitent le vendredi 25 à 19 heures
« Signé : condamné à mort »
Lecture de textes de prisonnier-ères et création musicale par Rita Gay, comédienne et Joséphine Maillefer, musicienne
Des moments durant lesquels les prisonnier-ères ont laissé voyager leur imagination à leur gré, récits lointains et proches à la fois, qu’ils/elles nous proposent d’accueillir en partage.
Ce spectacle nourrit des écrits de nos est unique, chaleureux et émouvant. Ne le manquez pas !
A très bientôt à Lausanne.
Lien au plan d’accès au Café Grancy et à la Maison de Quartier Sous-Gare (PDF)
Execution is a new crime
Observed every 10 October, the World Day Against the Death Penalty unifies the global abolitionist movement and mobilizes civil society, political leaders, lawyers, public opinion and more to support the call for universal abolition of capital punishment. The day encourages and consolidates the political and general awareness of the world-wide movement against the death penalty.
As the 20th World Day Against the Death Penalty is marked around the world, now is a time to consider and celebrate the gains the abolitionist movement has made over the past 20 years. Now, more than ever, abolitionist actors need to continue working towards the complete abolition of the death penalty worldwide, for all crimes.
On 10 October 2022, the World Day will be dedicated to reflecting on the relationship between the use of the death penalty and torture or other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment.
Reporter, September 14, 2022 9pm-9.40pm
Mein Brieffreund in der Todeszelle / My penpal on death row
14.09.2022 21:00-21:40Uhr · Schweiz 2022 · Info / Dok
Click the gearwheel, Subtitles -> English / Clicke das Zahnrad, Untertitel -> Deutsch
Will man jemanden in sein Leben lassen, der in den USA zum Tode verurteilt wurde? Kann man mit einem Mörder befreundet sein? Vier Menschen erzählen, wieso sie ihre Brieffreundschaft mit jemandem in der Todeszelle noch nie bereut haben.
“Mein Name ist William Kopsho. Ich bin seit 21 Jahren im Gefängnis. Ich wurde zum Tod verurteilt, weil ich jemandem das Leben genommen habe”, sagt ein sympathisch wirkender Mann Mitte 60. Er hat in einem Streit seine Frau erschossen. Nun wartet er in einem Gefängnis im Bundesstaat Florida auf seine Hinrichtung. Einer seiner engsten Freunde wohnt im Kanton Bern. Patrik Gerber ist Mitte 20 und studiert Medizin. Kennengelernt haben sich die beiden über einen Verein namens “Lifespark”, der seit fast 30 Jahren Brieffreundschaften mit Menschen in der Todeszelle vermittelt. “Wenn Patrik Urlaub macht oder mit Freunden essen geht, schickt er mir Fotos”, erzählt William Kopsho der Sendung “Reporter”. “Das gibt mir das Gefühl, dabei zu sein. Und das ist wunderbar. Durch ihn fühle ich mich zwischendurch wie ein freier Mann. Zumindest in meinem Geist.” Patrik Gerber auf der anderen Seite ist durch die Freundschaft mit Kopsho klar geworden, was für ein Privileg es ist, frei zu sein: “Ich schätze und geniesse mein Leben jetzt viel mehr.” Die Tatsache, dass er es mit jemandem zu tun hat, der einen Menschen getötet hat, tut der Nähe keinen Abbruch. Das Delikt sei schnell in den Hintergrund getreten. Aus einem fremden Mörder wurde ein enger Freund. Reporter Simon Christen hat drei Frauen und einen Mann porträtiert, die in der Schweiz leben und einen Brieffreund haben, der in der Todeszelle sitzt. Was hat sie dazu motiviert, einen solchen Menschen in ihr Leben zu lassen? Was gibt ihnen dieser Kontakt? Und wie gehen sie damit um, dass es eine Freundschaft auf Zeit ist? Irgendwann wird der Tag der Exekution kommen. Dann dürfen die Gefangenen Menschen, die ihnen wichtig sind, einladen, dabei zu sein. Auch ihre Brieffreundinnen und Brieffreunde aus der Schweiz.
Ein Film mit deutschen und englischen Untertiteln von
Simon Christen
Would you want to let someone into your life who has been sentenced to death in the USA? Can you be friends with a murderer? Four people talk about why they have never regretted their pen-pal relationship with someone on death row.
“My name is William Kopsho. I have been in prison for 21 years. I was sentenced to death for taking someone’s life,” says a pleasant-looking man in his mid-60s. He shot his wife in an argument. Now he is awaiting execution in a Florida state prison. One of his closest friends lives in the canton of Bern. Patrik Gerber is in his mid-20s and is studying medicine. The two got to know each other through an association called “lifespark,” which has been arranging penpalships with people on death row for almost 30 years. “When Patrik goes on vacation or out to dinner with friends, he sends me photos,” William Kopsho tells the program “Reporter.” “It makes me feel like I’m there. And that’s wonderful. He makes me feel like a free man at times. At least in my mind.” Patrik Gerber, on the other hand, has realized through his friendship with Kopsho what a privilege it is to be free: “I appreciate and enjoy my life much more now.” The fact that he is dealing with someone who has killed a human being does not detract from the closeness. The crime quickly faded into the background, he says. A stranger who was a murderer became a close friend. In this documentary, reporter Simon Christen portrays three women and one man who live in Switzerland and have a pen pal on death row. What motivated them to let someone like that into their lives? What do they get out of the relationship? And how do they deal with the fact that it is a friendship for a limited time? At some point, the day of execution will come. Then the prisoners are allowed to invite people who are important to them to be there. That includes their penpals from Switzerland.
A film with English and German subtitles by
Simon Christen
Tele 1 Fokus interview with our member Beatrice
Watch the Tele 1 Fokus interview with our member Beatrice, recorded on December 20 2021. In the interview, Beatrice talks about her long friendship with her penfriend Oscar.
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The Death Penalty
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