Advantages of being a member


Become a Member

Advantages of being a lifespark member


An extensive service with practical help, a network and regular meetings with like-minded people


An info service about the death penalty in individual states

Opportunities for action

Opportunities to become active against the death penalty

Much more

And much more. We look forward to introducing you to more benefits in person.

What it costs

The membership fee for one year is CHF 50.- or the equivalent in euros. Special rates are available, please contact us.

Part of the fee is used for organizational expenses, but most of it is donated to US organizations which are opposed to the death penalty or support inmates on death row.

What we offer in more detail

Practical help with pen pal-ships:

  • We offer information sheets about prison and mailing  standards (state sheets), tips for visiting inmates (travel sheets) and the standard procedures for execution (execution sheets) for various states where our pen pal live. The sheets are updated by members on a yearly basis and available on our homepage in the members only section.
  • Our pen pal coordinator is the contact person for both members and prisoners, should problems arise.
  • Sale of money orders: We sell them at no extra cost. Money orders are otherwise only available in the USA.
  • Sale of stamps: For members who are permitted to send stamps to their pen pal, we sell US stamps. Stamp and money orders can be ordered with a special form available in the members-only section.


  • A weekly bulletin, containing news of members’ activities and links, articles and videos from the media is sent out in English via email. Whoever does not want this service can cancel it.
  • A newsletter, which presents different themes and gives advice, is sent out three times a year.  Each edition includes the names and addresses of Board members and other active members.
  • We offer to forward e-mails to members with regular news about the death penalty in various states. The reports come from Rick Halperin, a well-known human rights activist and death penalty opponent in the US.
  • We regularly update a list of books and films dealing with the death penalty.

Meetings – organisational and informative:

  • In addition to the annual general meeting, different meetings are held, not only for organisational matters, but also for information exchange.
  • Regular local meetings are held, at which new and old members can get to know each other and talk in an informal atmosphere. All meetings are voluntary.

Personal help:

  • If there are questions or problems, members can always contact us. We will try to help and may also involve other members of the board and organisation if necessary.
  • Members are contacted whenever the name of their correspondent appears on the list of the execution dates. Personal help is then offered as well as the opportunity to ask our members by e-mail to light a candle on that particular date and time of execution.
  • Members who would like to hear what others think about a particular situation in their pen pal-ship can set up a “call” by e-mail, asking everybody to share their opinion or experience.

Political activities:

  • With some of the money from membership fees, we support local activism against the death penalty. Joining lifespark helps fight the death penalty.
  • We make our own public statements by setting up information stands, by speaking to the press and other activities. Lifespark members can join us in these activities or plan and carry out their own. If you plan your own activity in the name of lifespark please contact us. We will be glad to assist you.

Material for stands, school visits and other public activities:

  • We have suitable materials for information stands, school visits and other public activities and they are available for members to use: Information sheets about lifespark, a lifespark flag, a wooden model of a cell in Texas, etc.
  • If you are interviewed by a journalist, we can provide you with an information sheet with tips.

Address list:

  • Flyers for a particular pen pal can be sent out to our members, as long as the board has given its permission. The same goes for events, petitions, etc.

Ou members can publish material in the reports and interviews section of our website.

  • In this section, members or inmates describe experiences with their pen pal, the first visit, an approaching execution, etc.

Becoming active:
For those who want to do more than writing letters, there are numerous opportunities with lifespark: writing an article, organising events, contacting the media, starting projects…there are many ideas. Please contact the board.