A job for you?
volunteers are lifespark’s lifeblood
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Jobs for volunteers
lifespark is expanding! Right now we are getting a lot of new members! So we need support from our experienced members.
With a few hours of your time for lifespark, you can become an active part of our organization!
After the pandemic it would be nice to get together again and exchange ideas, especially with the new members.
Choose what job you would like to do. Our members who have made lifespark what it is today for decades will be glad to support you if you need help. We are very much looking forward to your cooperation!
Top-Job: Stammtisch-Organizer, see register “3 hrs*”
The register shows the time you will spend on a job
- You simply organize a location.
- You contact lifespark’s job at least one month before the event. The event will be published on the webpage and all members will be informed by E-Mail.
- Positions available: unlimited
- Requirement:
- valid Lifespark member
- 3 hours of your time (once)
- Benefits
- being part of the active lifespark network
- meeting nice lifespark colleagues after long time
- sharing experience and integrating new memebers
2023-04-01 Participant of the General Assembly
- You bring something to drink or to eat for the buffet
- Positions available: unlimited
- Requirement:
- valid Lifespark member
- half a day of your time (once)
- Benefits:
- free entry to the GA (as all members
- meeting nice lifespark colleagues live after long time
- fun & good beverage
- 30 years anniversary party
- you are part of this main event of the jubilee year!
- free entry to the GA (as all members
- Job registration: not required, just show up!
no vacancy at the moment
Stammtisch-Organizer (regularly)
- You simply organize a location.
- You contact lifespark’s job at least one month before the event. The event will be published on the webpage and all members will be informed by E-Mail.
- Positions available: unlimited
- Requirement:
- valid Lifespark member
- 3 hours of your time each quarter
- Benefits
- being part of the active lifespark network
- meeting nice lifespark colleagues after long time
- sharing experience and integrating new memebers
Travel sheet holder
- You keep the travel sheet of one state up-to-date
- Preferably a state of your penpal
- Difficulities? You aks the state sheet coordinator for help
- One postition avaiable per state for:
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Mssouri
- Texas
- Requirement:
- valid Lifespark member
- 8 hours initially for the first state sheet
- 3 hours of your time twice an year (for one state)
- Benefits:
- view state environment of a penpal
- Job registration: lifespark’s job
For all activities on behalf of Lifespark that comply with Lifespark’s statues, please feel free to contact the Board of Directors and the board members will be happy to assist you with
- posting of events on the website
- promoting in mailings to members
- other as needed for the invidual activity
- Postitions avaiable: unlimited
- Requirement:
- valid Lifespark member
- as much time as you like to invest
- Job registration: lifespark’s job